Friday, September 2, 2011



I hear the distant rolling thunder
this afternoon
 and am reminded
Christ will come back for
His own some day soon.

I feel the sun, warm on my face after
a long stretch of dreary days
and am reminded
I have new life through Him
and His loving grace.

I smell the earth as I dig and plant
and am reminded
 the simplest smells are the most remembered
and most constant.

I see my daughter's smile after a long night of sleep
and am reminded
of what is truly precious and  at His feet I want to worship.

I see families in peril in country's far from my home
and am reminded
that God's will, at times, is not understandable and not my own.

God speaks in the thunder,
the fresh earth around. 
He speaks through a child's smile
as well as turmoil
in places where death and
pain are found.

Be Reminded

God is constant, perfect. 
He can so easily be found.
Look to His word and His world.
Expect Him to speak through These things,
His truth is all around.

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