Sunday, October 5, 2014

Breathing and being Redeemed 

A Breath to breathe in these hurried eventful days.
Hurrying for family, school, friends, keeps us running all different ways.

Rushing and moving.  Trying to be all to everyone and everything.
Asking "What have I missed, what else to the table can I possibly bring."

They all need my attention.  Work, this house and life.
Worrying, overreaching, forgetting joy and peace will always lead to strife.

Many times we're searching, reaching for Gods grace and approval.
We miss the point that its "Only Jesus" that makes us redeemable. 

It's not what we do.  Its not our list of "righteousness" that makes us loved.
It's faith in "Only Jesus" and His gift and grace that grants favor from above. 

We must stop trying to gain righteousness and approval by all we do.
We must remember its "Only Jesus" that will lead to peace and truth.

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