Monday, April 11, 2011

"The Quickening"

I wish I could say that I write this blog as someone who
rarely if ever  messes up their christian walk.  I am still in the process
of growing and I know I have a long way to go to be the
women that God intended me to be. 


There are ways and means by which God directs me as I go along
this journey with Him.  One of these ways is through my conscience.
I had the opportunity to hear a "Quickening" moment from a
friend of mine.  Then had the opportunity a couple of weeks later
to share a "Quickening" moment of my own with another trusted friend.

Quickening -  To me these are moments and instances that pop up
in our Christan walk when you suddenly realize you were wrong.  The pain
deep in your heart, felt from the realization and knowledge that you just
 hurt your Lord, is one the worest pains a Christain can feel.
 You were in a position to make a good choice and before you knew it...
You Didn't!

Before God can pour out His Mercy on us, we must
recognize these moments and not crumble from them or pretend
they are not there but to use them for what they are.  A chance to grow,
a chance to fall in front of the throne of grace and be honest and say...

"Dear Lord... I just totally messed up"

"Dear Lord help me to right this, and  help me to recognize this
type of moment again and have victory over it.

Then let Gods mercy flow over you.  Receive His forgiveness, learn and
MOVE on! 
(To be totally honest, I have never had a quickening moment where
I could "just move on" at least right away. It usually makes me sick
for a few days or maybe a week or longer.  Then long after God has forgiven
me I decide to forgive myself.)

The point is ... 

Are you having them?  Do you clearly feel the pressure of
Gods hand on your heart when you sin or make a wrong choice.
Do you think you don't ever make wrong choices?
Accept Gods grace when you ask for forgiveness.  Ask for
direction, wisdom and strength to be ready for the next
time a choice presents itself.
and remember
The path our mistakes lead because of sin
can be hard to walk through.  If you repent, God will
walk through them with you.  Some of those days may seem
to dark for any part of our Savior to be there, but His word
promises He is

Lord Quicken my spirit at each and every wrong turn
no matter the pain from these times, I promise to learn.

Make me stronger by them as I get up from my fall.
Lead me back to the top of the mountain to better hear your call.

Your mercy will forgive me after I kneel at your throne of grace.
My goal and my hearts desire, to glorify and someday see your sweet face.

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