Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Deliver Me From My Enemies and Myself"

Deliver Me From My Enemies and Myself

Ever have a heavy heart at the worst possible time?  Even a time when you know there is no good reason for having one?  I think sometimes God is working on us, trying to draw problems in us to the surface.  I also think sometimes its just our humanness.  As girls we know it can also be hormones. Sometimes its just a tiredness that can't be taken care of with a hug, a rest, or another smile.  Its just a weariness of the every day, its the realization that life, with all its wonders and blessings, is not easy or perfect.  When you are trying to strive and move forward in your spiritual walk these days tend to make you feel more and more like a failure.  

Our human nature can bring about these days but also remember that Satan and his many followers, also know that as women our moods and responses to these days can make or break ourselves as well as our families.

There is hope.  There is always hope.  There is always grace.  There is always our redeemer who came for our weaknesses.  He came to deliver us.

I pray with my daughter every morning.  I pray specifically that God will hover, be a part of her classroom.  I also pray that no evil thing will steal from her what joy and peace Christ put there.  I pray for her spiritual and mental protection as well as her physical.  I pray that only the trials that will draw her closer to God will be allowed to come near her.

Then it came to me...I rarely pray this for myself.

I offer this prayer to you, sister friend reading this.

"Dear Lord in Heaven.  I come to you because You gave up your son who selflessly left perfection to die in agony for my many sins. I worship you because you are the creator of all things.  I come as your daughter who your word promises to love and protect.  I lay myself and all my day in front of You and pray for Your protection against my sinful nature.  I pray that no evil will leave its mark on me.  That no evil person or thing will come against me because they see  You are standing in that dark gap for me, filling it with light and bringing truth that Satan cannot bear.  I pray that no thought patterns will keep me from the joy you promised.  Give me the strength to get through this day in triumph.  Help me be that warrior that slays the enemy, with You on my heart and mind.  Help me be the woman You see me as and becoming.  Give me strength to learn and grow in You, even in the midst of trials.  I claim the blood of Christ that was given freely for me.  I know that nothing good can come of my life unless it comes from You.  Be the biggest part of my day today.  I thank you for your presence in my every day.  I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

My prayer is that you will understand how much you are loved by God.  That you will keep yourself ever before Him in all you do.  That strength will abound in your life and grace will be the cause of the many smiles on your face.

Sister friend!  God knows life is hard.  He knows some days we wake and feel like crying.  He knows after months, maybe years of struggles, we are tempted to give up in our pursuit of living a Godly life.  Pray for His presence in your life today.  Pray for any sin that is keeping you from being in conversation with Him.  There is a life full of battles, full of victory, full to overflowing with joy, even in those days where life's struggles are threatening our minds and hearts.  There is a wonderful life waiting for you.  Take God's hand and step into a life full of meaning and purpose. Be obedient and let God do the rest.

Want to read a little more...

Rejoice in God, He is my rock   2 Samuel 2:1
Watch the Lord's victory   2 Chronicles 20:17
Everyone that calls on the name of the Lord will be saved  Joel 2:32
God is our deliverer   Psalm 32:7
Christ leads to deliverance  Phil 1:19

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